This past month my wife and I did a vacation in our motor home, we did 3200 miles in 27 days. For anyone with parkinson's you know how hard and tiring travel is. For the first week and a half it wasn't to bad, in fact I did something I haven't done in years. I flew an open cockpit biplane. Not alone of course but with the owner. My wife had her very first ride in one. Meeting up with old friends again was great. As the days and the miles added up so did the fatigue, by the last few days for every day of being ok I had 2 days where all I could do was sleep. In addition I was a few days short of the meds I needed. This only added to the fatigue and feeling sick. Every once in a while I get the feeling that there is nothing wrong with me but boy if I miss some of my meds I realize that yes I do have pd.
I will spend some time getting pictures and a couple of video's to post here and more about a trip like this.